Sunday, October 03, 2004

So there is where I start, is it?

I had no intention of creating a blog 10 minutes ago...

I suppose the something that stirred in me when I happened to follow a link to someone else's blog was the desire to be a special, no unique individual making my mark on the world. Just like millions of other people who have one of these things. Hmmm...

Or maybe it's just that I'm in 'let's catch up on all that technology' mode. After all, it's only two days since I bought my first mobile phone. Yes, my FIRST! I don't know what's stunning people more, the fact that I held out this long or the fact that, having held out for so long, I suddenly succumbed.

Blame it on my sister for finding the ideal phone deal for someone who wants to use it as little as possible. If I don't make any calls at all it will only cost $20 per year. Initial outlay was only $69. Pretty good for the occasional moment when it will be convenient. Of course, I'm quite sure there are a lot of people out there who thought they were only going to use their phone for emergencies who are completely addicted to the thing now and can't imagine living without it.

Um, what am I going to actually use this blog for?

I suspect there will be certain subjects that crop up rather often. Music for one. Completely obsessed with it. I have spent even more time than usual listening to music in the last week, week-and-a-half, and it's made me really happy. So I intend continuing with it.

Politics, religion and philosophy are all likely to crop up fairly frequently. Most likely the discussion of politics will involve complaining how there's no philosophy involved in it. Wait, maybe I mean there's no principle...

Relationships (or lack thereof) may well feature. Not in the sense of pouring out my private life, but in the general sense of trying to work out what makes them tick. I firmly believe that relationships are THE most significant aspect of our lives - we were created for them.

Still interested? Then read on...

...when there's something else to read, of course.

PS Is there any way I can add smileys to this thing? *Trudges off to read all the settings and stuff he's bypassed so far*


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