Saturday, October 29, 2005

Why I will never understand the mental processes of some drivers

What kind of person revs their engine at the lights and takes off with wheels squealing so they can be first in line to follow a slow bus through a lengthy stretch of roadworks?


At 1:05 pm, Blogger Mary said...

The same kind of person who flies onto a traffic-jammed freeway onramp, driving illegally on the right shoulder to pass all the waiting cars, then swerves around them and weaves into the slightly moving traffic ahead cutting off as many people as possible so that he can get in the far left lane and tailgate the person in front of him in an absurd (and unsafe) effort to make the traffic magically move faster.


Do morons even have mental processes?

At 10:38 pm, Blogger orfeo said...

Sigh. He has a brother?


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