Friday, October 19, 2007


Well, at least it was a bit less than a year.

In one sense, so much has happened. I'm not going to attempt to encompass everything, but it feels as if it would be remiss not to at least mention raising over $10,000 for a charity, being prescribed antidepressants and finally telling the people that matter to me that I'm gay. All of which happened since my last post.

Because of that last one, in particular, I am certainly not the same person I was.

But one thing that definitely hasn't changed is that I like writing. It's my preferred way of communicating because it gives me time to construct ideas, and it gives other people time to absorb them. It would be nice if someone is absorbing them. If I'm honest, I do write to communicate rather than just to 'get it out of my system'. I was kind of chuffed that I managed to get one of the spotlight review spots on Amazon for American Doll Posse.

I'm not going to force myself to write gigantic essays, even on days like today when I have that 'how can I change the world' kind of feeling. In fact, it might be more interesting and productive to write short entries, but regularly.

So here's today's thought.

Life cannot be reduced to 10-second soundbites.


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