Saturday, January 22, 2005

53 million dollars

I'm not sure if that's Australian or American, but that's supposedly how much it cost for George W. Bush to be 'inaugurated' into a job he's already doing.

Look, I'm all for countries having events to celebrate. People need big events once in a while. But why there should be such a big deal for an incumbent is beyond me. Wasn't his first inauguration the part where he set out who he was and what he was going to do? Why does he need a second go at this price?

Australian Prime Ministers turn up at Government House, get sworn into office by the Governor-General and that's it. Cost: well, I don't know exactly, but most of the people on hand are doing their everyday jobs. It sure isn't in the millions.

My point, I guess, is that there must be any number of better things to do with that kind of money. Aid programs spring to mind.


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