Friday, February 18, 2005


Bloody hell!

Is it too much to ask to find a TV cabinet that has room for a 68cm television, a DVD player and a VCR (yes I know, how quaint) and has storage space that is actually the right shape for, oh, let's say, SOME DVDs AND VIDEOS???!!!

Apparently, the answer to that question is yes. How stupid of me to think otherwise.

To be precise, the answer was a modified yes, because it turned out there was one discontinued model that would do the job (at least I think it will, after 732 measurements my mind was probably getting a little hazy and I could have slipped up). It just astounds me that the fashion appears to be for units that give your DVD player lots of pretty space to take up, because there's absolutely no way you could store anything else useful nearby. Just admire the view, please, and stack the discs on the carpet in a wobbly pile nearby.

The young woman who sold me the discontinued model in question was excessively polite and cold, and managed to talk to me as if I was a complete idiot for trying to establish that she had one new one (in pieces) as well as the horribly scratched floor stock that was on offer for the same price. The only reason I didn't attempt to garotte her there and then was because she had something I wanted. AND she knew it.

If I find so much as a single screw missing...


At 7:08 am, Blogger Mary said...

Hey, don't knock the wobbly stacked pile method.

No, really, don't knock it, I'm tired of restacking the darn discs. ;P

Sounds like you're having "fun".

At 6:56 pm, Blogger orfeo said...

ROFLMAO, for the second blog in five minutes!

At 4:42 am, Blogger Sean said...

Okay... being the semi-malicious sort that I am, I would make it a point to "visit" that salesperson again, and DOMINATE her time for at least an hour for some high-end product that I simply had no intention of buying. I'd send M to go look at cds [that'll buy me plenty of time], then I'd drag this woman all over the store, encouraging her mistaken belief that I am going to boost her commission for the day. Heck, I might even let her right up the sales ticket!

Okay... I don't have the time to do this... but it sure sounds fun [I know EXACTLY who you are talking about; I get the "idiot" routine at every electronics store that I go to. GRRRRRRR!].

Hey, enjoy your new Entertainment Center! ;-)


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