Monday, February 28, 2005

There are times when there isn't time

This is one of them.

There isn't, or wasn't, time to put my Beekeeper-discovery thoughts in order, and listen to the album again, and listen to "Garlands" again, and watch the best interviewer on Australian television back at work, and edit a previous post as per a friend's request, and have some fun by watching Desperate Housewives, and stumble across an incredibly valuable portion of a friend's blog and fall in love with poetry all over again, and have my dinner, and watch the auditions on the X Factor which (like all shows of its ilk) I know I will find so much more moving than the finals where the public votes, and put the garbage out and make my lunch for tomorrow and get a good night's sleep.

I'll leave it to your imagination exactly which tasks are not being fulfilled, except to say the last one is already doomed.


At 5:21 am, Blogger Mary said...

My mom keeps telling me I need to watch Desperate Housewives. LOL, apparently I'm "sort of like Teri Hatcher's character, but not really." Okkkayyy. I'm both intrigued and made nervous by this. The promo-ads each week absolutely crack me up, I'll admit. It's just that I watch enough tv already and I'm resisting the urge to try to fit in yet another show I know I'll either feel guilty for becoming addicted to, or guilty for not watching it religiously to BECOME addicted to it! I know, I'm weird. Is the show worth the guilt, in your opinion? LOL

Good to see you 'back'. Posting, I mean.

PS- Glad you stumbled. And fell in love. That made my day. ♥

At 8:16 am, Blogger orfeo said...

Um, there's only been about 4 episodes of Desperate Housewives here so far, but it's impressing me a lot. Not only have I laughed very hard on occasion, I've also been quite moved.

Both have mostly been due to Marcia Cross, who plays the overly-perfect Bree van der Kamp (spelling?). All the acting is reasonably good in a deliberately slightly over-the-top kind of way, but she is simply brilliant.

At 9:58 am, Blogger Mary said...

Coolio. Thanks for the input. I'll give it a look-see. My mom has a season pass Tivo deal and she's got most of the episodes saved (recorded). Maybe I'll go over and take her up on her offer to watch them.


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