Wednesday, April 20, 2005

When I come to power...

(the first of what may well become an ongoing series)

When I come to power:

- Cars will be modified so that the faster you drive, the more unpleasant the experience. I'm thinking the engine should produce some kind of smell that makes a skunk's scent seem blissful in comparison. Electric shocks are also an option.

- Tailgating will be seen as a sign of mental imbalance and lead to a committal hearing.

- Using a suburban street as a speedway on a Friday night will generate the kind of social disapproval that is currently reserved for child molesters.

- (Just so there's at least one carrot along with all the sticks) Police vans will randomly monitor vehicle speeds. The slowest car detected each hour will be entitled to free petrol for a year.

- Traffic cops will be given authority to shoot to kill in appropriate circumstances. Given that a significant proportion of drivers appear to have some kind of death wish, this will merely be helping them along to their desired destination.


At 12:43 am, Blogger Mary said...

LOL at the last one the most.

Uh, I don't think the electric shocks would be a good idea. Some people might LIKE them. ;)

At 11:32 am, Blogger Mary said...

*buttons up her bossy pants*

You. Need. To. Update.

The cell phone thing, remember?

Get on it. ;)

At 6:57 pm, Blogger orfeo said...

John 19:22


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