Tuesday, May 03, 2005


More proof the internet is horribly addictive...

I stumbled across some of those free mini-games, the ones that use Java or Flash or Shockwave. Most of them are amusing for about 30 seconds before boredom or frustration kicks in. Anything that isn't instantly attractive tends to get ditched.

Curveball is incredibly easy to play.

Games that make you go through the first level over and over again in exactly the same way to get to the new parts you didn't reach before also have a short shelf life.

Curveball is never the same twice.

Games with too many rules tend to be ignored because the whole point of these mini-games is that they are simple entertainment.

Curveball has one rule: don't miss the ball.

Yes, I am obsessed with this game at the moment. Simple in concept, elegant in execution, maddeningly replayable, it has all the best features of a classic. Think tennis in a metal tunnel and you'll have some idea.

I seriously think that if someone managed to come up with a TWO player version, it could take over the internet.

You don't need a link, just Google it and you'll probably find one of the copies out there. Don't say I didn't warn you about its addictive qualities, and if anyone can master Level 8 I do not want to hear from you, okay?


At 10:50 am, Blogger Mary said...

You scared me.

I thought you had taken up playing baseball. ;)

Not googling it, not googling it...


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