Wednesday, July 20, 2005

'Pacific Breeze'

The car air freshener I just bought had a 'scratch-and-sniff' panel on the packaging, so I could test-drive the scent before purchasing.

It's a nice idea. However, the panel somehow didn't quite capture the God-awful bubblegum stench that is now emanating from my vehicle.


At 1:21 am, Blogger Mary said...

Those darn scratch and sniff things are hardly ever like what the scent is really like.

I bought a lavender-scented air freshener thingy for the house and I swear the sratch-n-sniff sticker did smell SO good, like lavender. But in our house it smells like baby powder. So instead of having the feeling I'm walking through a lovely field of lavender when I enter the room (because I like to pretend I can do such things), I look around nervously for some stray baby whose diaper I should be changing.
Not good!

At 5:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, Trevor! EEEWWW! My mom and I hate the smell of bubblegum and we can pick it up from about a mile away.


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