Sunday, June 19, 2005

Incomprehension and rage

It really is true, some people do completely forfeit their right to live in society.

What else could you possibly do with a person, who as revenge for (allegedly) having been twice physically struck by his boss, forms a plan to KILL the boss' two children?

Or, when the plan to invade a school armed with guns starts going wrong, shoots a two-year-old boy dead at point blank range because he is crying too much?

By God, how does someone get to the age of 23 with so little sense of proportion? What did he do if someone pushed in front of him in a queue at school, I wonder?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you may have been spared the news reports of a school 'siege' in Cambodia a few days ago. I haven't, so instead I've spent my time being more shocked as each new detail emerges. On one level it's nice to know I can still be shocked. But really, what I'm mostly feeling is anger and frustration that a person could behave like this - or that he could gather about five 'friends' to help him in his endeavour.

The total inability of some people to deal with ANY situation where they don't get their own way is the thing about this world that probably upsets me the most. These are the people I just want to sit down somewhere, forcibly, and yell and scream and cry at and ask, "Why? Why? Why? Why are you like this? Why can't you give and take? Why is your ego so goddamn big? Why didn't you stop and think about what you were doing, and realize that you were going too far? Why can't you control or at least redirect your impulses? Why the FUCK didn't you get some help before we got to this point?"

Meanwhile, a man who has recently been jailed here in Australia for his role in the worst corporate collapse in our history, and who has been barred from being a company director for 20 years as a result, has just been caught trying to continue his business dealings by ordering people to give him weekly reports and spending his visiting privileges doing deals. The man is so bloody arrogant he can't take the umpire's decision.

I'm no means perfect, but there are times I'm grateful my personality tends towards introspection and self-questioning or criticism. At least the damage from my errors tends to be directed inwards, sparing others from harm. I'm not going around making other people's life hell because of a lack of awareness that I am not, in fact, the centre of the universe.

As for the supposed motive for the school siege: Revenge is a dish best thrown in the garbage, uneaten.

Yours furiously,



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