Monday, October 11, 2004

Dead stop

No no, not to the blog, not to the blog!!

To my life in general I mean. It's amazing how some incident can derail your plans and enforce a time of stillness and inactivity. My 'incident' involved a four wheel drive heading straight for me.

Thankfully I was inside my car at the time. However, having a critically ill car causes a significant amount of disruption to one's plans in this day and age. Not nearly as much disruption as if I was the critically ill one, I admit, but it's still something of a surprise to discover that something you took for granted (freedom of movement) has been taken away.

I've cancelled meetings, both business and pleasure, because of the difficulties of getting anywhere. I've postponed spending decisions until I know whether the insurance company is going to take my vehicle off life support. I've been self-consciously checking how I feel to make sure the blow to my head hasn't done any more damage than I originally thought.

And I've replayed the moment over and over in my head to work out whether it was my fault, just a little, or whether I'm entirely the victim of something I had no control over. It's important to know who to blame even if you don't plan on taking it out on them...

The future seems to be on hold while I deal with everything those few seconds have thrown in my path.


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