Wednesday, October 20, 2004

There is beauty in the world

There are times in the last couple of weeks when life has been full of pain and misery. Mostly it hasn't been MY life that's been directly affected, but the lives of those around me. It's still been enough to make me wonder whether negative states of being are the status quo and all that should be expected from life in this day and age.

Then some little thing happens to prove to me that beauty is often just around the corner.

It can be a song. Right now I'm convinced that "Dandelions in Bullet Holes" by Sarah Harmer is one of the most intrinsically beautiful and hopeful songs ever written, as much because of the turns of its melody as for its lyrics.

It can be a party where a group of friends get together, ostensibly to celebrate the engagement of two of their number, but really so they can spend time in each other's company and talk and laugh and not keep one eye on the clock while doing it.

Or it can be leaving the office and stumbling across the most stunning sunset you have seen in several years - clouds etched in brilliant yellow so clearly that you could reach out and run your finger along the edges.

Every time I start to question whether this planet and the human race are such a mess it's beyond hope, God reminds me that nothing is beyond redemption.


At 8:45 am, Blogger Shari said...

Hi Trevor! This is Mary's friend, Shari. I own a Sons of Korah CD because you introduced it to Mary, and she introduced it to me! So thank you for that!

"Every time I start to question whether this planet and the human race are such a mess it's beyond hope, God reminds me that nothing is beyond redemption."

I just had to write and tell you what a great statement I think this is. I have to remind myself that "nothing is beyond redemption" more often because I think I tell myself that I'm beyond redemption. That I'll never learn the lessons God wants me to learn. That I'll never become who He wants me to be. But I've been realizing lately that I don't let Him help me, so at the moment, that's what I'm concentrating on. I've read some of your posts (and Mary's and Carly's) on toriforum and I love your wisdom and depth. And I know, through Mary, that you're a wonderful friend. Isn't Mary the best? I've known her for over 20 years and she still blows me away!

At 8:36 pm, Blogger orfeo said...

Hi Shari, nice of you to drop by in the underworld!

I had to hunt awhile to find out exactly WHERE you'd commented, thank goodness for e-mail alerts...

Yes I knew you'd joined the Sons of Korah club. I'm secretly hoping we can develop a massive fan base in SoCal for them from which they can take over the world. ;)

Thanks for your words about my posts here and elsewhere. It's nice to know I get it right sometimes.

Yes, Mary is the best. Hands down. No contest. Don't bother counting the votes. Etc!


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